Cultural Center.
Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 8 PM – 11 PM Opening Night Premiere
Friday, July 30, 2021 | 11 AM – 7 PM Saturday, July 31, 2021 | 11 AM – 7 PM Sunday, August 1, 2021 | 11 AM – 5 PM


Coagula Curatorial is pleased to host the launch of the Chouinard Founda@on/ California-Mexico Studies Center collabo- ra@on of SIQUEIROS 2022, an eighteen-month celebra@on of the 90th anniver- sary of David Alfaro Siquieros’ brief but historic visit to Los Angeles in 1932. The launch will take place star@ng July 29 at the LA ART SHOW (LAAS) and will focus on the mythical first mural “Street Mee@ng” by Siqueiros in Los Angeles.

In 1932, Siqueiros was invited to Los Angeles by Nelbert Chouinard and painted three iconic murals. The first, “Street Mee@ng”, painted on a wall at the original Chouinard School of Art building in L.A. was thought to have been lost, but was rediscovered by Luis Garza, Dave Tourjé, Nobuyuki Hadeishi and Jose Luis Sedano in a Chouinard Founda@on effort in 2005.

The Coagula Curatorial booth at the LAAS brings public awareness to the dan- gerously fragile state of both the historic Chouinard Building in MacArthur Park and the Siqueiros mural painted on its wall. The booth will spark public dia- logue for this world art treasure to inspire the necessary responsible develop- ment of the property and mural in a comprehensive “adap@ve reuse” modality. The event is being organized and produced by Luis Garza, Armando Vasquez- Ramos and Dave Tourjé.
Debu@ng at the LAAS is a 24” x 34” hand pulled screenprint depic@ng “Street Mee@ng” - the historic mural painted by Siqueiros on the Chouinard school during his 1932 stay in Los Angeles. Printed in an edi@on of 50, it comes with interpre@ve colorizing by Luis Garza. All known historic documenta@on of the mural is only in black and white. The serigraph is being printed by Na@ly Gonza- lez of Moby Arts Los Angeles this summer and all proceeds will go towards this historic effort to preserve the mural and Chouinard building.

The original “Street Mee@ng” mural was painted over at the behest of the city fathers in 1932 and thought to have been destroyed soon afer its crea@on, for endorsing subversive ideas and elements. The print is published by Luis Garza

and Dave Tourjé, chair of the Chouinard Founda@on. The booth will also display historical images and ar@facts related to the Chouinard School of Art and seg- ments of Garza’s 2010 Siqueiros exhibit at the Autry Museum which include a mul@media exhibit.
Throughout the next eighteen months, the SIQUEIROS 2022 project will cele- brate the legacy of El Maestro David Alfaro Siqueiros’ powerful impact on Southern California and the art world, from his arrival in 1932 at the request of Ms. Chouinard, founder of her eponymous art school.

SIQUEIROS 2022 will feature the organizers’ vision of developing the site as an adap@ve-use cultural center, at the loca@on of the original Chouinard School of Art, to preserve Siqueiros’ “Street Mee@ng” mural and create a self-sustaining project to restore the Chouinard school and memorialize its legacy through a development project that will also create commercial space and generate hous- ing for ar@sts, teachers and low-income tenants along with the plans for the Chouinard/Siqueiros

Cultural Center.
Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 8 PM – 11 PM Opening Night Premiere
Friday, July 30, 2021 | 11 AM – 7 PM Saturday, July 31, 2021 | 11 AM – 7 PM Sunday, August 1, 2021 | 11 AM – 5 PM

LA Art Show 2019

The LA Art Show is one of the largest interna@onal art fairs in the United States, providing an exci@ng, immersive, insider art experience to sponsors, their select guests, and VIP clients. The show ajracts an elite roster of na@onal and interna@onal galleries, acclaimed ar@sts, highly re- garded curators, architects, design professionals, and discerning collectors. This innova@ve, ex- cep@onal cultural environment ajracts execu@ves and board members of Southern California businesses, state, county, and municipal government representa@ves, and leaders of the re-
gion!s cultural ins@tu@ons. Ajendees are trendsejers, influencers and alpha consumers, who seek and demand the newest and the best in all areas of their lives—art, design, food, technol- ogy and travel being specific passion points.

The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Armando Vasquez-Ramos in 2010 whose mission is to research, develop, promote, and establish policies and programs between higher educa@onal ins@tu@ons and cultural organiza@ons that will en- hance the teaching, mobility and exchange of faculty, students, and professionals between Cali- fornia and the U.S. with Mexico and other na@ons in the Western Hemisphere.

Founded in 1999 by Dave Tourjé and Robert Perine afer Tourjé purchased and restored the Chouinard House in South Pasadena, in order to illuminate and celebrate the massive Los Ange- les art legacy of Nelbert Chouinard and her school.


COAGULA CURATORIAL - Mat Gleason - 323-430-7852 - MATG64@GMAIL.COM