Stan Lee's LA Comic Con


@stanleecomiccon is this weekend stop by exhibit 915 resident artis @blackbrainla will be signing and displaying Malcolm Xmen, Bartkira, & Why So Serous series.

3-Day Multipass Badges are available NOW & ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY COMES TO L.A. COMIC CON…/StanLeesLAComicCon…/tag/FBPOSTS17
It’s here - the time of the year you've been waiting for! 3-Day Multipass Badges to Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con are on sale NOW!
The 3-day Multipass is yours for a limited pre-sale price of only $70 dollars – that’s a savings of $10 dollars! This is your opportunity to take advantage of the lowest price you’ll see this year for the 3-day Multipass.

This year, L.A. Comic Con announces America’s leading pop culture magazine ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY as our Official Media Partner, which means more talent and must-see panels. Attendees will get a one-year subscription to EW included with the purchase of every badge!
Look for more announcements between now and the show announcing special guests, artists, features and attractions!


Thank you Guitar Center for providing Stan Lee's Comic Con this Fender Stratocaster, which we had signed by the Black Eyed Peas and Stan Lee for our auction to help #PuertoRico and helped us help those in need. Thank you!